Respond to the following after reading Chapter 2 in your textbook:
1) Select a quote or phrase from one of the artist statements featured in Chapter 2 that you think is very different from how you think about making art, and describe how this idea is new and different to you.
2) What is the difference between denotation and connotation in terms of the interpretation of an artwork?
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Kehinde Wiley's Napoleon Leading the Army over the Alps, 2005 |
"I have been interested in documenting the pathological in the everyday."
ReplyDeleteThis idea that the artist implements into her work is new and different to me because i don't think of the thought processes or psychoanalyze the subject matter of my artwork. It causes you to look deeper beyond the physical aspects of your work and can give you a whole new outlook on what you are working on opening up newer possibilities for you.
The difference between denotations and connotations in terms of the interpretation of an artwork is that denotations interpret the surface meanings of the artwork and what the subject matter being shown is supposed to intend. Connotations interpret the underlying meanings of the artwork and what its subject matter is implying or suggesting without the aid of visuals.
1) "I use layering as metaphors for the human experience authentic feelings in multi-layered surfaces".
ReplyDeleteNicole Brungoli's statement seems kind of broad and very complex to me to be resembled in only her said layering. This seems odd and different to me, because she is trying to convey her message through her process, but not actually having her result or final piece do the communicating for her or having a subject.
2) Connotations refers to implied or associative meaning, where as denotations are what is literally there and seen.
-mike o.-
1. "I have been interested in documenting the pathological every day."
ReplyDeleteI find this one interesting in terms of psychology involved in art and interpretation of art. It canne related to the madness and disorder of the macabre in surrealism. Surrealist works are pathologically lying about what is reality.
2. Connotations are related to a message or theme to be interpreted, while denotation is what is literally in the painting, literally in plain sight.
- Melissa
1)the excerpt that states, 'I have been interested in documenting the pathological every day.' eally relates to me as an artist. Its frustrating to see how some younger artists insist on photorealism and think making art is about replacating. in my opinion, art has little to do with replicating as it has to do with interpreting and projecting. "Pathological" to me means experiencing visceral situations. so, its about instilling your audience with a feeling, an emotion theyve experienced before. and therefore, creating a relationship with your viewer. this is what motivtes my own artwork and thats why i think documenting and interpreting the pathological is a recurring motif in artists.
ReplyDelete2) Dennotation is the factual definition of a word while connotation is the shcema or feeling attached to it. For example, 'death' by definition is no longer living. but the connotation of death comes with bereft sadness, morning, confusion, depression etc. dennotation and connotation are extremely important to know when trying to communicate to someone escpecially through artwork or words. symbols have denotation and connotaions and theseare important to understand. a very poopular example, is a swastika. with a very varying dennotation and connotation.
~allison L
1.)"I use layering as metaphors for the human condition... to experience authentic feeling in multi-layered surfaces"
ReplyDeleteI think this is a quote most people can relate to because it is not true in all cases that the end result of a painting or piece of art will tell the story behind the art piece, sometimes it is actually what is done to the art piece and the steps that is has gone through. I think the multi-layered surfaces show dedication and a journey of what Brungoli has experienced. It was nice to see something different as well rather then just a final piece, she took a chance and risks with the many layers and not necessarily cared just about the end result she as well cared about the process of the art work as well.
2.)Denotations are right in front of you and can be seen or viewed and connotations are the implied or suggested feeling or meaning of the piece.
-Bri Bezzek
1)"I have been interested in documenting the pathological every day." This quote is very interesting because it gives an insight to the ways I perceive an art piece, and specially mine because of the hiding patters and unconscious associations we create while making an art work. However,people might se
ReplyDelete2) Denotation is the literal and obvious meaning of what is seen and connotation is the associated word or expression that is perceive.
- Ramirez
"this particular piece was meant to feature Jhierry, a young man who has moved on an average of every three years during his adulthood. Jhierry uses his merging with traffic as a metaphor." Before reading the clip about the piece i took it at "face" value. Just a traffic sign with a guy on it.
ReplyDeleteDenotation is the literal meaning of what is viewed, while connotation is the associated word that it portrays.
"I am interested in the tyranny of the popular and thing girls over the ones who don't fit that mold."
ReplyDeleteHer ideas are very deep and i think that it is something people can connect with on a personal level. She expresses a lot of emotions in her pieces, which is something that i personally have not been able to accomplish.
A denotation is the literal meaning of a word or art piece. It has no emotion attached. The connotation is the emotion attached to the piece and what it represents.