From Chapter 13 in your textbook "Making Art", respond to the following questions:
There is often a divide among those who look at and talk about art between an Intentionalist approach to understanding art, and an Interpretive one. It is often very important to those who take an Intentionalist stance to know something about the biography of the artist - who they are, what experiences they have had in their lives, what their cultural background is and how this affects their intentions. Others prefer to view the work of art without knowing these things and bring their own cultural associations and ideals to it. Look at the artwork by Willie Cole below.
1. First, bring your own interpretations to the artwork; what things do you associate with this radial form? What other forms do the iron burn marks remind you of? Why would he have used mattress padding instead of a more traditional medium like canvas? How do you interpret the meaning of this work?
Willie Cole, Sunflower, 1994
1994. Iron scorches and lacquer on canvas over mattress padding, 80 1/2 x 78” |
2. Read the interview at this
link. How does this change your view of the artwork?
Lastly, watch this tutorial on using layers in Photoshop: